Learn how to use an arduino for input output. Start with some examples:

  1. Do the official arduino blink tutorial using both the built-in LED and an external LED.
  2. Do the official arduino AnalogReadSerial tutorial. Look at the voltage using the Serial Monitor and Serial Plotter under "Tools." Vary the voltage using the pot. What is the digitization error?

  4. Modify the code to average the voltage 100 times. What do you observe on the Serial Plotter as a function of the number of times you average?

  5. Do the official arduino button tutorial using a push button.
  6. Download and install the button library from git hub. Instructions on how to install arduino libraries. Use the SimpleOneButtonSingleClick sketch to toggle an LED on and off.
  7. Hook up a DC motor to the H-bridge. Connect the PWM input to the H-bridge to a PWM output on the arduino. Run the motor at different PWM settings. Reverse direction using your push button. Maybe disable the motor before reversing directions.